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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blood Vessel Disease

Blood vessel disease is also called peripheral vascular disease or artery disease. It is the narrowing of the blood vessels in the abdomen, legs and arms. Blood vessel disease is caused by a build-up of fatty deposits called plaque that narrows blood vessels. When the blood vessels narrow, less oxygen-rich blood gets to your body parts. This can cause tissue and cell death. Blood vessel disease is the leading cause of amputations.

Signs of Blood Vessel Disease in the Abdomen, Legs and Arms

·      Muscle pain, aches or cramps

·      Cool, pale skin, cold hands and feet

·      Reddish-blue color of the skin and nails of the hands and feet

·      A sore that takes a long time to heal or when scabbed over, looks black

·      Loss of hair on legs, feet or toes

·      Faint or no pulse in the legs or feet

·      Pain with exercise that goes away when you rest

If you have any of the signs, call your doctor to get checked.

Risk Factors

You are at higher risk for blood vessel disease if you:

·      Smoke

·      Have diabetes

·      Are over the age of 45

·      Have high cholesterol

·      Have high blood pressure

jDr okfgdk jksx
(Blood Vessel Disease)

jDrokfgdk jksx dks ifjljh; okfgdke; (peripheral vascular) jksx ;k /keuh dk jksx Hkh dgk tkrk gSA ;g isV] Vkaxksa vkSj ck¡gksa esa jDr okfgdkvksa dh fldqM+u gSA jDr okfgdk jksx olk ftls Iykd dgk tkrk gS ds teus ds dkj.k gksrk gS ftlls jDr okfgdk,a l¡djh gks tkrh gSaA
tc jDr okfgdk,a fldqM+ tkrh gSa] rc vkids 'kjhj ds vaxksa esa de vkWDlhtu okyk jDr tkrk gSA blls Ård ;k dksf'kdk dh e`R;q gks ldrh gSA jDr okfgdk jksx vaxPNsnu dk eq[; dkj.k gSA

isV] Vkaxksa vkSj ck¡gksa esa jDr okfgdk jksx ds y{k.k

·      ekalisf'k;ksa esa nnZ] ihM+k ;k ,saBu

·      BaMh] ihyh Rppk] BaMs gkFk vkSj iSj

·      gkFkksa vkSj iSjksa dh Ropk vkSj uk[kwuksa dk ykfyek;qDr uhyk jax

·      dksbZ ,slk t+[e ftlds Hkjus esa cgqr vf/kd le; yxrk gS ;k tc mlds Åij iiM+h gks]
rks ;g dkyk fn[kkbZ nsrk gS

·      Vkaxksa] iSjksa ;k iSjksa dh maxfy;ksa ls cky >M+uk

·      Vkaxksa ;k iSjksa esa det+ksj uCt+ ;k uCt+ u gksuk

·      O;k;ke djus ij gksus okyh ihM+k tks vkjke djus ds lkFk lekIr gks tkrh gS

;fn vkidks buesa ls dksbZ Hkh y{k.k gks] rks tkap djus ds fy, vius MkWDVj dks Qksu djsaA

tksf[ke ds ?kVd

vkidks jDr okfgdk jksx dk vf/kd [krjk gksrk gS] ;fn %

·      vki /kweziku djrs gksa

·      vkidks e/kqesg ¼Mk;fcVht+½ gks

·      vkidh vk;q 45 o"kZ ls vf/kd gks

·      vkidk dksysLVsjkWy vf/kd gks

·      vkidks mPp jDrpki gks
·      Have a family member with heart or blood vessel disease

·      Are overweight

·      Are inactive

Your Care

Blood vessel disease may be prevented or slowed down with healthy choices.

·      Have your blood pressure checked.

·      See your doctor each year.

·      Do not smoke or use tobacco.

·      Exercise each day.

·      Eat a diet low in fat and high in fiber.

·      Manage your stress.

Your care may also include medicine and surgery.

Talk to your doctor about your treatment options.

·      vkids ifjokj ds fdlh lnL; dks ân; ;k jDr okfgdk dk jksx gks

·      vkidk ot+u vf/kd gks

·      vki fuf"Ø; gksa

vkidh ns[kHkky

jDr okfgdk jksx dks LokLF;dkjh vknrksa ls jksdk tk ldrk gS ;k bldk çHkko de fd;k tk ldrk gSA

·      vius jDrpki dh tkap djok,aA

·      vius fpfdRld ls çfro"kZ feysaA

·      /kweziku u djsa ;k rEckdw dk mi;ksx u djsaA

·      çfrfnu O;k;ke djsaA

·      de olk okyk vkSj vf/kd js'ks okyk vkgkj ysaA

·      rukoeqDr jgsaA

vkidh ns[kHkky esa nok vkSj ltZjh Hkh lfEefyr gks ldrh gSA

vius mipkj fodYiksa ds ckjs esa vius fpfdRld ls ckr djsaA