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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Angiogram English & Hindi


Angiogram shows the blood vessels in the body. A tube called a catheter is put into a vein at the top of your leg in your groin or in your arm. It is then guided into the area to be tested. Dye is put through the catheter. X-rays are taken as the dye pumps through the blood vessels. This test checks the blood flow in your body.

An angiogram is also called a peripheral angioplasty or balloon angioplasty. An angioplasty may be done with an angiogram if you have narrowed blood vessels. With this procedure, a balloon on the end of the catheter will be used to open up the blood vessel to improve blood flow. A small tube-like device called a stent may be placed in the blood vessel to keep the blood vessel open.

An adult family member or friend will need to take you home after the test. It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. Your family is to wait during the test.

Arrive on time for your test. The test takes about 1 to 2 hours. Plan to be here about 4 hours to be checked after the test.

To Prepare

·      Talk to your doctor about your medicines before this test. Ask about other tests you may need.

·     Do not eat food after midnight before the test.

·      Ask your doctor if you should take your medicines the morning of the test. If so, take with sips of water only.

·      Tell your doctor if you have allergies to dye or iodine, shellfish or latex.

·     Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

During the Test

·      You may wear hearing aids, dentures and glasses. Jewelry and watches will need to be taken off. Leave valuables at home.

,fUt;ksxzke ¼okfgdk fp=½

,fUt;ksxzke ¼jDr okfgfu;ksa esa vikjn'kZd inkFkZ izfo"V djok dj jDr okfgfu;ksa dh
,Dl&js QksVks ysus dh izfØ;k½ 'kjhj esa #f/kj okfgdkvksa dks fn[kkrk gSA vkidh Vk¡x ds
Åijh fljs ¼m:ewy½ vFkok gkFk dh f'kjk ¼ul½ esa ,d V~;wc ¼ftls uky&'kykdk ¼dSFksVj½ dgrs gSa½ ?kqlk;h tkrh gSA fQj bls tk¡p fd, tkus okys Hkkx rd igq¡pk;k tkrk gSA bl uky&'kykdk ds ekè;e ls Mkb izos'k djk;h tkrh gSA tc Mkb jDr okfgdkvksa ls gksdj cgrh gS rks ,Dl&js fy;k tkrk gSA ;g ijh{k.k vkids 'kjhj esa #f/kj ds cgko dh tk¡p djrk gSA

,aft;ksxzke dks isjhQsjy ,aft;ksIykLVh ;k cSywu ,aft;ksIykLVh Hkh dgrs gSaA vxj vkidh jDr okfgdk,¡ l¡djh gks xbZ gSa rks ,aft;ksxzke ds lkFk ,aft;ksIykLVh dh tk ldrh gSA bl izfØ;k esa] uky&'kykdk ¼dSFksVj½ ds fljs ij yxs ,d xqCckjs dk iz;ksx djds jDr izokg esa lq/kkj ds fy, jDr okfgdk dks [kksyk tk,xkA jDr okfgdk dks [kqyk j[kus ds fy, jDr okfgdk esa uyh tSlk ,d NksVs midj.k yxk;k tk ldrk gS ftls LVsaV dgrs gSaA

tk¡p ds ckn vkidks ?kj ys tkus ds fy, ifjokj ds o;Ld lnL; vFkok fe= dh vko';drk gksxhA vki ds fy, okgu pykuk vFkok vdsys ?kj tkuk lqjf{kr ugha gSA tk¡p ds nkSjku vkids ifjokj dks izrh{kk djuh gksxhA

tk¡p ds fy, le; ij igq¡fp,A tk¡p esa djhc 1ls 2 ?kaVs yxrs gSaA tk¡p ds ckn ijh{k.k ds fy, djhc 4 ?k.Vs rd #duk iM+rk gS vr% mlh fglkc ls ;kstuk cukdj tk¡p ds fy, vk,¡A


·     bl tk¡p ls igys vius MkWDVj ls viuh nokvksa ds ckjs esa iwNsaA vkidks ftu vU;
tk¡pksa dh t:jr gks ldrh gS muds ckjs esa iwNsaA

·     tk¡p ls igys&vk/kh jkr ds ckn [kkuk u [kk,¡A

·      vius MkWDVj ls iwNsa fd D;k tk¡p ds igys fnu vkSj tk¡p dh lqcg nokbZ ysuh pkfg,\ ;fn gk¡ rks nokbZ dsoy ikuh ls ysaA

·      ;fn vkidks MkbZ vFkok vk;ksMhu] 'ksy fQ'k ;k ySVsDl ls ,ythZ gS rks vius MkWDVj dks crk,¡A

·      vxj vki xHkZorh gSa ;k lksprh gSa fd vki 'kk;n xHkZorh gksa rks vius MkWDVj dks crk,¡A

tk¡p ds nkSjku

·      vki lquus dh e'khu] nk¡r vkSj p'ek igu ldrs gSaA vkidks xgus vkSj ?kM+h mrkjus gksaxsA dherh pht+sa ?kj ij NksM+ dj vk,aA

·     You will wear a hospital gown.

·      An IV (intravenous) is put into a vein in your arm. Medicines to help you relax and fluids are given through your IV.

·      The lights in the room may be turned down and the room may seem cool. You will be awake, so you can tell the staff how you feel.

·      Small pads are put on your chest to check your heart. For men, chest hair may need to be clipped.

·      A blood pressure cuff is put on your arm. Your blood pressure and heart rate are checked often.

·      The catheter site, either your groin or your arm, is cleaned. The hair in the groin area will be clipped if needed.

·      The doctor numbs your catheter site. This may sting for a few seconds. After this, you should only feel pressure and no pain. Tell the staff if you have any pain during the test.

·      The catheter is put into a large blood vessel and then moved into the area to be tested.

·     Dye is injected. You may feel hot or flushed for a few seconds.

·      X-rays are taken as the dye moves through your blood vessels. You may be asked to hold your breath at times.

·      If you have narrowed blood vessels, the balloon area of the catheter is moved to the narrowed area of the blood vessel. The balloon is inflated to push open the narrowed blood vessel. You may feel some chest pressure, but the pressure should ease quickly. Tell the staff how you are feeling.

·     A stent may be placed to keep the blood vessel open.

·      Dye may be given again to see how much of the blood vessel has been opened.

·     When the test is done, the catheter is removed.

·     Pressure is put on the site for 10 to 20 minutes, so it does not bleed.
A stitch or plug may be used to close the catheter site. A clamp is put on for about 1 hour to stop bleeding. A band-aid or dressing is put on the site.

·     vki vLirky dk xkmu igusaxsA

·      vkids gkFk dh ul ¼f'kjk½ esa ,d vkbZ-oh- ¼var% f'kj izos'k djkbZ tkrh gSA vkidh vkbZ-oh- ds tfj, vkidks vkjke nsus okyh nok,¡ vkSj nzo fn, tkrs gSaA

·     dejs dh jks'kuh can dj nh tk,xh vkSj dejk BaMk eglwl gksxkA vki txs jgsaxs]
blfy, vki deZpkfj;ksa dks crk ldrs gSa fd vki dSlk eglwl dj jgs gSaA

·     vkids ân; dh tk¡p ds fy, vkidh Nkrh ¼o{k LFky½ ij NksVh xfn~n; j[kh tk;saxhA
iq#"k dh Nkrh ds cky dkVus dh vko';drk gks ldrh gSA

·     vkids gkFk ij CyM izS'kj dQ j[kh tkrh gSA vkids CyM izS'kj ¼jDr pki½ vkSj ân;
dh /kM+du dh izk;% tk¡p dh tkrh gSA

·      vkids m#ewy vFkok gkFk ij yxh V~;wc ¼uky&'kykdk½ ds LFkku dks lkQ fd;k tk;sxkA vko';drk iM+us ij m#ewy ds cky dkVs tk,¡xsA

·      MkWDVj V~;wc ds LFkku dks lqUu djrk gSA blls vkidks dqN lssdsaM rd nnZ gks ldrk gSA blds ckn vki dsoy ncko eglwl djsaxs vkSj nnZ ugha gksxkA vxj tk¡p ds nkSjku vkidks nnZ eglwl gksrk gS rks deZpkfj;ksa dks crk,¡A

·      dSFksVj dks ,d cM+h jDr okfgdk esa Mkyk tkrk gS vkSj fQj tk¡p okys Hkkx esa ys tk;k tkrk gSA

·      batsD'ku }kjk MkbZ izfo"V djkbZ tkrh gSA blls vki dqN lsdsaM rd xehZ vFkok ykfyek eglwl dj ldrs gSaA

·     tc MkbZ vkidh #f/kj okfgdkvksa esa lapkj djrh gS rc ,Dl&js ysrs gSaA vkidks dqN
le; ds fy, lkal jksdus ds fy, Hkh dgk tk ldrk gSA

·      vxj vkidh jDr okfgdk,¡ l¡djh gks xbZ gSa] rks dSFksVj ds xqCckjs okys Hkkx dks jDr okfgdk ds l¡djs gks x, Hkkx esa ys tk;k tkrk gSA l¡djh gks xbZ jDr okfgdk dks [kksyus ds fy, xqCckjs dks Qqyk;k tkrk gSA vkidks lhus esa dqN ncko eglwl gks ldrk gS ysfdu ncko tYnh gh [kRe gks tkuk pkfg,A deZpkfj;ksadks crk,¡ fd vki dSlk eglwl dj jgs gSaA

·     jDr okfgdk dks [kqyk j[kus ds fy, LVsaV yxk;k tk ldrk gSA

·     jDr okfgdk fdruh [kqyh gS ;g ns[kus ds fy, fQj ls Mkb nh tk ldrh gSA

·     tc tk¡p iwjh gks tkrh gS rks V~;wc gVk yh tkrh gSA

·      V~;wc ds LFkku ij 10 ls 20 feuV rd ncko fn;k tkrk gS rkfd #f/kj u cgsA V~;wc ds LFkku dks can djus ds fy, Vk¡dk vFkok MkV yxk;h tk ldrh gSA #fèkj dks cgus ls jksdus ds fy, djhc ,d ?k.Vs rd DySai ¼can½ yxk;k tkrk gSA V~;wc ds LFkku ij iV~Vh yxkbZ vFkok mldh Msªflax ¼izlk/ku½ dh tkrh gSA

After the Test

·     You will be taken to another bed. You will rest for about 4 hours.

·      Keep the leg or arm straight where the catheter was placed to prevent bleeding.

·     Your site, pulse and blood pressure will be checked often.

·      Tell your nurse right away if the site swells or bleeds, or if you feel pain, numbness or tingling in your leg or arm.

·     You can eat and drink.

·      It is not safe for you to drive or leave alone. An adult family member or friend will need to take you home.

·      Test results are sent to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results with you.

Your Care At Home

·     Rest at home for 24 hours.

·     Limit stair climbing.

·      Drink 8 cups or 2 liters of liquids (non-alcoholic) to flush the dye out of your kidneys.

·     Eat your normal diet.

·     Remove the pressure bandage at bedtime and put on a clean band-aid.

·     Keep the site dry. Do not shower or bathe.

·     Look at the site for bruising or a lump.

Other Care

·      Do not take a tub bath for 1 week after the test. You can take a shower. Do not scrub the site.

·      Do not take the medicine Glucophage (metformin) for 2 days after the test.

tk¡p ds ckn

·     vkidks nwljs fcLrj ij ys tk;k tk,xkA vki djhc pkj ?k.Vs rd vkjke djsaxsA

·     ftl iSj ;k gkFk esa dSFksVj yxk;k x;k Fkk mls lh/kk j[ksa rkfd #f/kj u cgsA

·     V~;wc yxkus ds LFkku] vkidh ukM+h vkSj jDr pki dh dbZ ckj tk¡p dh tk,xhA

·     ;fn V~;wc ds LFkku ij lwtu gks vFkok #f/kj cg jgk gks vFkok gkFk iSj esa nnZ]
lqUurk vFkok fVufVukgV eglwl gks rks rqjar ulZ dks crk,¡A

·     vki [kkuk vkSj is; inkFkZ ys ldrs gSaA

·      okgu pykuk vFkok vdsys tkuk vkids fy, lqjf{kr ugha gksxkA vkidks ?kj tkus ds fy, fdlh fe= vFkok ifjokj ds o;Ld lnL; dh vko';drk iM+sxhA

·      tk¡p ds ifj.kke vkids MkWDVj ds ikl Hkssst fn;s tk;saxs] tks vkidks blds ckjs esa crk,xkA

?kj ij lko/kkuh


·     ?kj esa 24 ?kaVs rd vkjke djsaA

·     lh<+h dk bLrseky de ls de djsaaA

·     vius xqnsZ ls MkbZ dks ckgj fudkyus ds fy, 8 di vFkok 2 yhVj is;
¼xSj&,Ydksgfyd½ ih;saA

·     viuk lkekU; Hkkstu djsaA

·     lksrs le; izs'kj cSaMst gVk nsa vkSj lkQ iV~Vh yxk,¡A

·     V~;wc ds LFkku dks 'kq"d j[ksaA ikuh u yxus nsa vkSj Luku u djsaA

·     czwbftax vFkok lwtu dk è;ku j[ksaA

vU; lko/kkuh

·      tk¡p ds ,d lIrkg ckn rd Vc esa Luku u djsaA 'kkWoj ¼ QOokjs½ ls u ugk,¡A V~;wc ds LFkku dks u jxM+saA

·     tk¡p ds ckn 2 fnu rd XywdksQst ¼esVQksfeZu½ nokbZ u ysaA

·     Do not drive for 2 to 3 days.

·      Do not exercise, run or lift objects over 10 pounds or 4.5 kilograms for 3 days after the test.

·     Check the site for bruising or a lump.

Call your doctor right away if you have:

·     Bleeding at the site that will not stop

·     Swelling, redness, more bruising or tenderness at the site

·     Drainage or warmth at the site

·     Coldness or paleness of the leg or arm

·     Problems moving your toes or fingers

·     Sharp pain or stinging at the site

·     Fever or chills

·     Numbness or weakness

·     Confusion or you are less alert

If you have bleeding that will not stop or a lump that gets bigger at the site, lie flat, hold pressure on the site and call .                                   

Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns.

·     2 ls 3 fnu rd okgu u pyk,¡A

·      tk¡p ds ckn rhu fnu rd dljr] nkSM+uk vFkok 10 ikm.M ;k 4-5 fdyksxzke ls vf/kd otu u mBk,¡A

·     czwbftax vFkok lwtu ds fy, dSFksVj yxk;k x;k og LFkku tk¡prs jgsaA

;fn vki fuEufyf[kr ckrksa esa ls dksbZ Hkh y{k.k eglwl djsa rks rqjar MkWDVj dks cqyk,¡%

·     V~;wc ds LFkku ls #f/kj cguk Fke ugha jgk gks

·     bl LFkku ij lwtu] ykfyek] vf/kd cwzbftax vFkok dkseyrk vk x;h gks

·     bl LFkku ls dqN cg jgk gks vFkok Å".krk ¼rki½ dk vuqHko gks

·     gkFk ;k iSj esa B.Mkiu vFkok ihykiu eglwl gks

·     gkFk ;k iSj dh vaxqfy;k¡ fgykus&Mqykus esa dksbZ ijs'kkuh gks

·     bl LFkku ij rst nnZ vFkok Vhl dk vuqHko gks

·     cq[kkj vFkok BaM yxs

·     lqUurk vFkok detksjh eglwl gks

·     ?kcjkgV vFkok cspSuh eglwl gks

;fn #f/kj cguk Fke ugha jgk gks vFkok V~;wc ds LFkku ij lwtu c<+rh tk jgh

gks rk s

lh/ks ysV tk,¡] bl LFkku ij ncko nsa vkSj laidZ djsaA      

;fn vkids eu esa dksbZ iz'u vFkok fpark gS rks vius MkWDVj vFkok ulZ ls ckr djsaA