Asthma is a
disease in which the airways into your lungs become narrow and produce mucus. When this happens, it is hard to breathe.
things that can
trigger an asthma attack include allergies,
cold viruses, medicines, dusts, chemicals, exercise or emotions.
Breathing faster than normal or trouble
Wheezing or noisy breathing
Coughing that may be worse at night or
early in the morning
Feeling tight in the chest
Having a fast heartbeat
Having head congestion
Having a itchy, scratchy or sore throat
Being tired
• If your doctor ordered a peak flow meter,
having a drop in peak flow
meter readings
You may have more
signs of asthma if you:
Have allergies
Have a family member with asthma
Are sensitive to air pollution
Are exposed to smoke
Have stress
,d ,slh chekjh gS ftl esa vki ds QsQM+ksa ds vanj tkus okys ok;qekxZ ladh.kZ
gks tkrs gSa vkSj cyxe iSnk djrs gSaA tc ,slk gksrk gS rc lk¡l ysuk eqf’dy gks tkrk gSA ftu dkj.k¨a ls nes ds nkSjs
iM+ ldrs gaS mu esa ,ythZ] t+qdke ds okbjl] nokb;k¡] /kwy] jlk;.k]
dljr vkSj ÒkokRed laosx ‘kkfey gSaA
lkekU; ls rst
lk¡l pyuk ;k lk¡l ysus esa dfBukÃ
?kj?kjkgV ds
lkFk ;k vkokt ds lkFk lk¡l ysuk
[kk¡lh] tks
jkr esa ;k Hkksj esa vkSj xaÒhj gks ldrh gS
Nkrh esa dlko
/kM+du rst+
efLr’d esa jä ladqyrk
xys esa
[kqtyh] [kqjpu ;k nnZ
Fkdku g¨uk
• ;fn
vkids fpfdRld us ihd ¶y¨ ehVj ds mi;ksx dk funsZ’k fn;k gks] rks mlds ikB~;kad esa fxjkoV vkuk
nes ds vkSj y{k.k gks ldrs gSa ;fn%
vkidks ,ythZ
vkids ifjokj
ds fdlh lnL; dks nek gS
ok;q çnw”k.k ds
çfr laosnu’khy gSa
/kq,¡ ls
çHkkfor gSa
rukoxzLr gSa
Your Care
Your care may
• Taking different
medicines to:
f Open airways
f Decrease your
body’s response to allergens
f Decrease the
swelling of your airways
f Decrease congestion
• Finding out what causes your signs.
• Allergy
Using a peak flow meter to check and prevent asthma
• Drinking a large glass of liquid every 1 to 2 hours. This helps keep your mucus thin. Thin mucus is easier for you to cough up and decreases the
swelling in your lungs. Clear liquids are best, such as water, fruit juice, tea, broth and clear
• Avoiding
milk products when wheezing because they can thicken
your mucus.
To Prevent Asthma Attacks
• Keep asthma medicine with you at all
times. Take your scheduled
medicines even if your signs go
• Avoid
cigarette, pipe and cigar smoke.
• Stay away from foods, medicines or
things that cause you to have
signs of asthma. These are called triggers.
contact with people who have a cold or flu.
Rest and drink plenty of liquids at the
first sign of a cold.
Breathe through a scarf or other
covering in cold weather.
to your doctor about an exercise to strengthen your lungs.
Reduce stress.
ns[kHkky esa ;s ‘kkfey gks ldrs gSa%
• buds fy,
vyx&vyx nokb;k¡ ysuk%
f ok;q
ekxZ [kksyus ds fy,
f ,ytÊ
dkjd¨a ds çfr vkids
‘kjhj dh çfrfØ;k de djus ds fy,
f vkids
ok;qekxZ dh lwtu de djus ds fy,
f jä ladqyrk de djus ds fy,
y{k.kksa ds dkj.k [kkstukA
,ythZ laca/kh
nes ds nkSjs
dks jksdus vkSj tk¡pus ds fy, ihd ¶y¨ ehVj dk mi;ksxA
• gj
ls 2 ?k.Vs
ij ,d cM+k fxykl rjy inkFkZ ihukA blls vkids cyxe dks iryk j[kus esa enn feyrh
gSA iryk cyxe vki vklkuh ls [kk¡lh ds lkFk fudky ldrs gSa vkSj vkids QsQM+ksa
ij lwtu de gksrh gSA ikuh] Qyksas ds jl] pk;] ‘kksjck
vkSj fDy;j lwi tSls ikjn’khZ rjy inkFkZ lc ls vPNs gSaA
• tc lk¡l esa
?kj?kjkgV gks rks nw/k ds mRiknksa dk lsou Vkysa D;ksafd os vkids cyxe dks
xk<+k djrs gSaA
ds nkSjs jksdus ds fy,
• nes
dh nok lnk vius ikl j[ksaA vkids y{k.k pysa tk,¡ rc Hkh viuh fu/kkZfjr nokb;k¡
flxjsV] ikbi
vkSj flxkj ds /kq¡, ls cpsa A
ftu [kk|
inkFk¨±] nokb;ksa ;k phtksa ls vkidks nes ds y{k.k gksrs gSa mu ls nwj jgsaA
çsjd ¼fVªxlZ½ dgrs gSaA
ftu yksxksa
dks t+qdke ;k ¶yw gks] mu ls laidZ VkysaA
t+qdke gksus
ds igys y{k.k ds le; ls gh vkjke dhft, vkSj [kwc rjy inkFkZ ihft,A
lnZ ekSle esa
LdkQZ ;k fdlh vU; vkPNknu ¼oL=½ esa ls lk¡l yhft,A
• ruko de djsaA
Asthma. Hindi.
Call your doctor right away
if you:
Have a cough, are wheezing or are
having trouble breathing.
Feel you need to take more medicine
than your doctor has ordered.
Have a temperature over 100.5 degrees F
or 38 degrees C.
• Have mucus that is not white or clear, or mucus that is too thick to
cough up.
• Have problems caused by your medicine
such as shakiness,
confusion, nervousness, upset
stomach or a bad taste.
• Are
not able to do your normal activities or exercise.
Call your doctor right away if you have:
Severe wheezing, trouble breathing or
Chest pain.
Lips or fingernails that are gray or blue.
Talk to your doctor
or nurse if you have any
questions or concerns.
• vki
dks [kk¡lh gS] vkidh lk¡l esa ?kj?kjkgV gS ;k vkidks lk¡l ysus esa rdyhQ gks
jgh gSA
• vki
dks yxrk gS fd vkidks vius fpfdRld ds funsZ’k
ls T+;knk nok ysus dh t+:jr gSA
vkidks 100.5 fMxzh F ;k 38 fMxzh C ls T;knk
cq[kkj gSA
• vkidk
cyxe ¼dQ½ lQsn ;k ikjn’khZ ugha gS]
;k cyxe bruk xk<+k gS fd [kk¡lh esas ugha fudy ikrkA
• vki
dks viuh nokvksa dh otg ls leL;k,¡ gSa] tSls vfLFkjrk] laHkze] ?kcjkgV] isV esa
xM+cM+ ;k eq¡g dk Lokn fcxM+ukA
• viuh lkekU;
xfrfof/k;k¡ ;k O;k;ke ugha dj ik jgs gSaA•
lk¡l esa rst+
?kj?kjkgV] lk¡l ysus esa rdyhQ ;k [kk¡lhA
lhus esa nnZA
• lQ+sn ;k uhys
gksaB ;k uk[kwuA
Asthma. Hindi.
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