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Wednesday, August 28, 2013



A biopsy is the removal of pieces of tissue, which are then sent to a lab for testing. A biopsy may be done during surgery to check for cancer
or other problems. Any part of the body, such as the skin, an organ or a lump can be tested. An x-ray, CT scan or ultrasound may be done to locate the biopsy site. Your doctor will review the results of your biopsy with you at your next visit and talk to you about treatment if needed.

If you have any allergies to medicines, foods or other things, tell the staff before the test.

If you are pregnant or think you might be, tell the staff before the test.

Arrive on time for your test. You may be told to arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time.

To Prepare

    Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) for one week before
the biopsy.

   Check with your doctor about taking your medicines including prescription and over the counter medicines, herbals, vitamins and other supplements.

During the Test

    You will lie on a table and may wear a hospital gown.

    An x-ray, CT scan or ultrasound may be done to locate the biopsy

    The site is cleaned. 


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tk ldrh gSA   ‘kjhj ds fdlh   Hkh  Hkkx]    tSls Ropk]   dksbZ vax ;k  fdlh xkaB  dh tkap dh tk ldrh gSA   ck;kWIlh ds  LFky  dk   irk yxkus  ds fy, ,Dl&js]  lhVh LdSu ;k vYVªklkmaM  fd;k tk ldrk gSA   ltZjh ds  nkSjku ck;kWIlh dh   tk ldrh gSA   vkidk@vkidh MkDVj  vxyh  eqykdkr esa    vkidh ck;kWIlh ds  ifj.kkeksa dh  vkids  lkFk leh{kk djsxk@djsxh  vkSj  vxj mipkj dh t:jr gksxh  rks blds ckjs  esa    vkils  ckr djsxk@djsxhA

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;fn  vki xHkZorh  gSa]   ;k vkidks yxrk gS   fd vki gks  ldrh gSa]   rks  tkap ds igys LVkQ  dks  crk nsaA

tkap ds  fy,  le; ij igqapsaA  vkils vikbaVesaV  le; ls  30  feuV   igys   vkus dks dgk   tk ldrk gSA

rS;kjh  djuk

  ck;kWIlh ds  ,d lIrkg  igys ls ,fLizu ;k vkbcwizksQsu ¼,Mfoy]eksfVªu½   u ysaA

  viuh nok,¡   ysus ds  ckjs esa    vius fpfdRld  ls lykg  ysa]   ftlesa uqL[ks okyh    nok,¡]    uqL[ks ds fcuk  dkmaVj ls  feyus  okyh nok,¡] gcZy nok,a] foVkfeu  vkSj vU;   vuqiwjd  ‘kkfey  gSaA

tkap ds  nkSjku

  vki ,d est ij ysVsaxs@ysVsaxh vkSj   vkidks vLirky dk xkmu iguuk  iM+  ldrk gSA

  ck;kWIlh LFky  dk   irk yxkus  ds fy, ,Dl&js]  lhVh LdSu ;k  vYVªklkmaM  fd;k tk ldrk gSA

  ml LFky  dks  lkQ fd;k tkrk gSA

   Numbing medicine is put into the skin. This may sting.

   When the site is numb, a small needle is put into the area to be tested.
Tissues and cells are removed. In some cases a small incision is made so that tissue or a lump can be removed and tested.

   If you feel any discomfort, tell the doctor.

   Pressure is applied, then a bandage. If an incision was made, you may
have stitches.

After the Test

   You may have bruising, discomfort or swelling at the biopsy site.

   If needed, use over the counter pain medicine that does not contain

   Apply an ice pack to the site as needed for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling and bruising. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Wrap the ice pack in a pillowcase or towel. Apply the ice for 15 minutes every hour.

   Avoid strenuous activity and lifting over 5 pounds for 24 hours. You
may resume normal activities unless otherwise instructed.

   Test results are sent to your doctor. Your doctor will share the results
with you.

Call your doctor if you have:

   Bleeding, drainage, increased swelling, redness or warmth at the site

   Pain not relieved by over the counter pain medicine

Talk to the staff if you have any questions or concerns.

  Ropk  esa    lqUu djus   okyh  nok  Mkyh tkrh gSA   blls Mad yxus   tSlk   nnZ   gks  ldrk gSA

  tc LFky    lqUu   gks tkrk gS  rks   tkap okys   Hkkx esa    ,d NksVh lqbZ  Mkyh    tkrh gSA   Ård vkSj dksf’kdk,a  fudkyh tkrh  gSaA    dqN  ekeyksa esa    tkap  ds fy, Ård ;k xkaB  fudkyus  ds fy,
,d NksVk  phjk yxk;k  tkrk  gSA

  ;fn vkidks dksbZ  rdyhQ gks]  rks   MkWDVj dks   crk,aA

  nckdj  iêh dh tkrh gSA   ;fn phjk yxk;k  x;k  gks]  rks   Vkads  yxkus   iM+ ldrs gSaA

tkap ds  ckn

  vkidks   ck;kWIlh ds  LFky  ij uhy] vlqfo/kk ;k  lwtu   gks   ldrh gSA

  ;fn t:jr gks  rks   vki  fcuk uqL[ks  ds fcdus  okyh ,slh  nnZfuokjd  nok ys ldrh gSa ftlesa ,fLizu u gksA

  t:jr ds eqrkfcd  igys  24 ?kaVksa    ds  fy, lwtu vkSj uhy   de djus  ds fy, ml LFky ij cQZ dh  FkSyh j[ksaA Ropk    ij lh/ks  cQZ  u yxk,aA  cQZ dh  FkSyh dks   rfd, ds fxykQ
;k  rkSfy, esa    yisVsaA  çR;sd ?kaVs    esa   15 feuV  rd cQZ  yxk,aA

  esgur   okyh  xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj 5  ikSaM   ls vf/kd otu mBkus  ls  24 ?kaVs   rd cpsaA  ;fn vU;
dksbZ  funsZ’k   u gksa    rks  vki   lkekU;  xfrfof/k;ka ‘kq: dj ldrs gSaA

  tkap ds ifj.kke  vkids  MkWDVj dks   Hkst   fn, tkrs gSaA    vkids MkWDVj   ifj.kkeksa  dks  vkids lkFk  lk>k   djsaxsA

;fn  ,slk gks  rks   vius MkWDVj dks   Qksu   djs:

  ck;kWIlh LFky  ls [kwu  cguk] lwtu]  ykyh] xehZ  ;k fjlko c<+uk

  fcuk    uqL[ks ds  fcdus   okyh  nok  ls  nnZ de u gksuk

;fn  vkidks dksbZ  iz’u ;k fpark,a  gksa   rks  LVkQ  ls ckr djsaA