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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Angina English HIndi


Angina is chest pain or pressure caused by decreased blood flow to the heart. Pain may also be felt in your arms, jaw or upper back. The pain is
a signal that your heart is not getting enough oxygen. It is a sign that you need treatment to prevent a heart attack.

Angina may happen anytime but is more common with:

   Work, exercise or activity

   Eating a large meal

   Smoking or using tobacco

   Very hot or cold temperatures

   Emotional or stressful events

Signs of Angina

Signs of angina can be much like the signs of a heart attack.

·      Pain or pressure, or a feeling of tightness or heaviness in the chest, arms, jaw, shoulders or neck

·     Sweating

·     Shortness of breath

·     Nausea or vomiting

·     Abdominal pain

·     Feeling very tired, dizzy or faint

·     Some people have no signs

Angina will often ease if you stop what you are doing and rest. If you doctor has told you that you have angina, you may be given medicine to take when you have pain. The medicine is called nitroglycerin.

daB&'kwy ¼,Utkbuk½

daB&'kwy ¼,Utkbuk½ lhus esa gksus okyk nnZ ;k ncko gS tks ân; esa jDr ds Áokg esa deh ds dkj.k mRiUu gksrk gSA vkidh ck¡gksa] tcM+s ;k ihB ds Åijh Hkkx esa Hkh nnZ eglwl gks ldrk gSA ;g nnZ bl ckr dk ladsr gS fd vkids ân; dks i;kZIr vkWDlhtu ugha fey jgh gSA ;g bl ckr dk y{k.k gS fd vkidks fny dk nkSjk jksdus ds fy, mipkj dh vko';drk gS

daB&'kwy ¼,Utkbuk½ dHkh Hkh gks ldrk gS ysfdu fuEufyf[kr ds dkj.k vf/kd gksrk gS%

·     dk;Z] O;k;ke ;k xfrfof/k

·     vR;f/kd Hkkstu djuk

·     /kweziku djuk ;k rEckdw dk mi;ksx djuk

·     vf/kd xeZ ;k lnZ rkieku

·     HkkoukRed ;k rukoiw.kZ ?kVuk,¡

daB&'kwy ¼,Utkbuk½ ds y{k.k

,Utkbuk ds y{k.k dkQh dqN fny ds nkSjs ds y{k.kksa tSls gks ldrs gSaA

·      lhus] ck¡gksa] tcM+s] da/kksa ;k xnZu esa nnZ ;k ncko] ;k f[kapko vFkok Hkkjhiu eglwl gksuk

·     ilhuk vkuk

·     lk¡l Qwyuk

·     feryh ;k mYVh vkuk

·     isV esa nnZ

·     csgn Fkdku yxuk] pDdj ;k csgks'kh eglwl djuk

·     dqN yksxksa dks dksbZ y{k.k eglwl ugha gksrs

vxj vki tks dqN dj jgs gSa mls jksddj vkjke djsa rks vDlj ,Utkbuk ds nnZ esa vkjke fey tkrk gSA vxj vkids MkWDVj us vkidks crk;k gS fd vkidks ,Utkbuk gS] rks vkidks nnZ gksus ij vkidks nok nh tk ldrh gSA bl nok dks ukbVªksfXyljhu dgrs gSaA  

When to Seek Treatment

Call if you:

·     Are having signs and do not have medicine to treat your angina.

·      Have taken your medicine, but your signs are not going away or you have new signs that you have not had before.

Sit or lie down until the emergency team arrives. Do not drive to the hospital or delay by calling your doctor.

Your Care

You will be tested to see if you have a heart problem. You may be started on medicine or have other procedures to improve blood flow to your heart. Your doctor may also want you to eat a low fat diet and exercise to improve your heart health.

If your doctor prescribes nitroglycerin, use the medicine as your doctor orders. For more information, ask for the handout, Nitroglycerin.

Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns.

mipkj dc djk,¡

vxj vkidks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dqN gks rks Qksu djsa%

·     ,Utkbuk ds y{k.k eglwl gks jgs gksa vkSj mldk mipkj djus ds fy, nok u gksA

·      vkius viuh nok ys yh gks ysfdu vkids y{k.k nwj u gks jgs gksa ;k vkidks ,sls u, y{k.k eglwl gks jgs gksa tks igys dHkh u gq, gksaA

vkikr~fpfdRlk Vhe ds vkus rd cSBsa ;k ysV tk,aA xkM+h pykdj vLirky u tk,a vkSj u gh vius MkWDVj dks Qksu dj nsj djsaA

vkidh ns[kHkky
vkidks ân; dh leL;k gS ;k ugha ;g ns[kus ds fy, vkidh tk¡p dh tk,xhA vkidks nok,¡ nsuh 'kq: dh tk ldrh gSa ;k vkids ân; dks jDr izokg esa lq/kkj ds fy, vU; izfØ;k,¡ dh tk ldrh gSaA vkids MkWDVj vkidks de olk okyk Hkkstu djus vkSj vius ân; dk LokLF; csgrj cukus ds fy, O;k;ke djus dk lq>ko Hkh ns ldrs gSaA

vxj vkids MkWDVj ukbVªksfXyljhu lq>krs gSa] rks vius MkWDVj ds vkns'k ds vuqlkj nok dk iz;ksx djsaA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy,] ukbVªksfXyljhu gSaMvkmV ek¡xsaA

;fn vkidk dksbZ Á'u ;k 'kadk gks] rks vius fpfdRld ;k ulZ ls ckr djsaA